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Sandbox VR Dublin

Have you ever wished that you could be transported inside a movie or video game and live out your own action-packed fantasy? Well, look no further, the matrix isn’t quite here yet, but Sandbox VR in Dublin may be the next best thing.

Virtual reality headsets and the metaverse have been all the talk in technology for years now. Brands such as Oculus have become a household name for gamers all over the world. These headsets enable the user to “see” into another world that they can *moderately* control with the use of two handheld joysticks. When we entered Sandbox VR, we expected something very similar to what we already have access to at home. Although it was similar in some ways, Sandbox VR took the experience to the next level.

Before going, make sure one member of your group sets a reservation and chooses the “adventure” for the experience. Keep in mind the groups are limited to just six people due to room and equipment. If you want to host a private event for more guests, you must contact them! The cost per person is roughly fifty dollars, about the same as an outing to throw axes. After arriving slightly early so we could all fill out our waivers, we were introduced to the equipment and given a quick rundown of how things would go.

Without giving too many spoilers, I’ll tell you what to expect from this one-of-a-kind experience! The employees will get you all fitted into your gear – none of this is super heavy; however, by the end of the session, you will be ready to take it off! Differing from the headsets at home, you get sensors for your ankles and wrists too! Once everyone is ready, the headsets come on in the spacious, empty room, and the weapons come out. At the beginning of our adventure, we all got to choose a weapon of our choice, be careful, as the weapon can only be chosen by one to two members of the party! Now, these are just plastic with sensors on them, so there is no real danger – except for the digital zombies!

We were then immersed and thrown into a town in disarray from recent “zombie attacks” called Deadwood Valley. Our objective? Keep the scientists alive and kill everything else while making sure you revive your fallen teammates. The game lasted about an hour and made us all sweat – from fear and movement! One common concern we hear about VR is motion sickness, and Sandbox has a solution for us! Hannah gets motion sickness extremely easily and said she didn’t even feel it a little bit. Sandbox does this by approaching the VR experience slightly differently. Rather than your character and the scenery moving even though you aren’t, things only move when you do.

We had such a great time that we considered signing up immediately for the next weekend! You even get a discount if you sign up right after a session. Then with the six different adventures to choose from – there is no shortage of fun. We look forward to seeing if they change up adventures after one has been active for a while… if you do another adventure besides Deadwood Valley, let us know!! We would love to hear what you thought of it!

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